Wednesday, November 19, 2008

(No) Money in the bank

So of course at this point I'm looking for someone to sublet my room so I can move back home and commute to class for the rest of the semester, and then transfer to UWRF for the next one. I leave every Thursday from my last class at 4:30, go back home and spend Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night at my boyfriend's house, then get up Monday morning and drive to class. The times (few and far between) when I am in the awful apartment, I barricade myself in my room in an attempt to blockade myself from all the awful negative energy in the place. A few days after, I get a text from a mutual friend of roommate and I, (though definitely more a friend of room mate's) that says, "Just wanted to let you know I'm thinkin about you." I was very confused so I ask to elaborate because I hadn't told her any of the things that had happened, so I didn't think she would be talking about that. She says, "I know you weren't in the wrong, I just know it."

This almost makes me cry out of happiness and frustration at the same time. First, it's nice that people realize that out of room mate and I, I am the LEAST likely to attack. It just won't happen. But second, it's so frustrating that even though everyone (even her friends) know how she is and the kind of values she has, I'm still the one in trouble. All the "right" in the world doesn't mean that everything will end up fair, and I'm still the one who's going through hell right now.

So a couple days later, I have a court appointment to plea my case. My lawyer couldn't make it plus it would have cost my parents like $1000 for him to drive to Menomonie so I just go alone. I say "not guilty," waive my right to a speedy trial, say I DO have legal representation, and request a pre-trial meeting with the DA. All well and good. Later that night, Room mate comes in my room and says "I know this is awkward to talk about but I just wanted to let you know that the court sent me something asking what kind of punishment I thought you should get and I said the least possible."

I didn't even know what to say. If she was expecting a "thank you," she was sadly mistaken.

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